  • Видео 1 247
  • Просмотров 17 025 158
4款棉花发糕食谱|100%成功率|个个开花!初一,十五做发糕 | 4 Cotton Huat Kueh Recipes
4款棉花发糕食谱|100%成功率|个个开花!初一,十五做发糕 | 4 Cotton Huat Kueh Recipes
1. 面糊至少倒入9分满。
2. 蒸锅里的水要预热,并且水量充足。
3. 全程用大火蒸,蒸的时候别开锅盖!
4. 发糕糊做好后立即蒸。
4 types of cotton huat kueh recipes (cotton sponge cake) and detailed instructions, just follow the steps to ensure zero failure. No fermentation required, soft and sweet, all blooming!
Many people worry that their cotton huat kueh won't rise. However, by mastering a few simple techniques, you can make perfectly risen cakes. Pay attention to these points, and you can make perfect cotton sponge cakes too!
1. Fill the batter at least 90% full.
2. Preheat the water in the steam...
Просмотров: 1 989


2款蒸苏打饼蛋糕食谱 | 搅一搅就可以拿去蒸了 | 2 Delicious Cream Crackers Cake Recipes
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.День назад
2款蒸苏打饼蛋糕食谱 | 搅一搅就可以拿去蒸了 | 2 Delicious Cream Crackers Cake Recipes (No. 1) 苏打饼蛋糕 Cream Crackers Cake ➡️ Ingredients 材料: 2 Eggs (Medium size) 鸡蛋 60g Caster sugar 细砂糖 15 pcs Cream crackers 苏打饼 130g Butter 牛油 (No. 2) 美禄苏打饼蛋糕 Milo Cream Crackers Cake ➡️ Ingredients 材料 250g Butter 牛油 120g Caster sugar 细砂糖 6 Eggs (A size) 鸡蛋 300g Cream crackers 苏打饼 20g Milo powder 美禄粉 喜欢的朋友,别忘了点赞 请与您的朋友分享此视频 加订阅点击小铃铛🔔...
2款古早味糯米糍食谱 | 做法简单又好吃 放隔夜不变硬 | 2 Easy Mochi Recipes
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.14 дней назад
2款古早味糯米糍食谱 | 做法简单又好吃 放隔夜不变硬 | 2 Easy Mochi Recipes (No. 1) 传统花生糯米糍 Traditional Peanut Mochi ➡️ Ingredients 材料: 50g Rice flour 粘米粉 150g Glutinous rice flour 糯米粉 25g Wheat starch 澄粉 40g Sugar 220ml Water 清水 1 tbsp Corn oil 玉米油 180g Peanuts 花生 1 tbsp Sugar 2 tbsp Peanut butter 花生酱 (No. 2) 紫薯糯米糍 Purple Sweet Potato Mochi Ingredients 材料 ➡️ Glutinous Rice Dough 糯米团 220ml Purple Sweet Potato Juice 紫...
班兰杯子糕食谱 | Q弹软糯的小糕点 素食者也能享用 | Pandan Kuih Lompang | Kuih Kosui Recipe
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.21 день назад
简单易做的班兰杯子糕食谱。只需搅一搅,做法快捷。享受这款清香扑鼻、素食者也能安心食用的班兰杯子糕。它质地软糯Q弹,不粘牙,融合了天然的班兰香和椰浆的浓郁香气。无论是家庭聚餐还是小型派对,这款甜点都是绝佳选择! Easy-to-Make Pandan Kuih Lompang/ Kuih Kosui Recipe. Just mix and steam-simple and quick. Enjoy this fragrant and vegetarian-friendly Pandan Kuih Lompang. With a soft, chewy texture that doesn't stick to your teeth, it combines the natural aroma of pandan with the rich scent of coconut milk....
蔓越莓小松糕食谱 | 做法超级简单 又香又好吃 | Cranberry Puteri Ayu Cakes Recipe
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.28 дней назад
蔓越莓小松糕食谱,零失败做法,又香又好吃。免打发!做法超简单,分分钟就能搞定。搭配酸甜适中的蔓越莓干,松软不腻,奶香浓郁,超级美味!轻松制作,完美适合早餐或下午茶。 Cranberry Mini Sponge Cake Recipe: Zero Failure, Delicious, and Fragrant. No need to whip! This ultra-simple, foolproof recipe can be done in minutes. Paired with sweet and tart cranberries, the cakes are soft, not greasy, and have a rich, milky aroma. Super tasty! Easy to make, perfect for breakfast or afternoon...
粉红古早味传统蒸鸡蛋糕 | 零失败食谱 美美的开花 | Pink Traditional Chinese Steamed Cake Recipe
Просмотров 4,5 тыс.Месяц назад
这款粉红古早味传统蒸鸡蛋糕制作简单,材料易得。只需在糕体中央用糖划个十字,蒸出来的蛋糕就会美美地开花。每逢大日子,华人家庭通常都会做一个,用来祭拜神明和祖先。蒸出来的鸡蛋糕特别香滑,散发着浓郁的鸡蛋香味,勾起我童年的美好回忆。 This pink traditional steamed cake is simple to make and only requires easily accessible ingredients. Just carve a cross in the center of the cake with sugar, and it will blossom beautifully when steamed. On special occasions, Chinese families usually make one to offer to gods and a...
2款零失败香蕉蛋糕食谱 | 一学就会 超级好吃 | 2 Easy Banana Cake Recipes
Просмотров 8 тыс.Месяц назад
2款超级简单又美味的香蕉蛋糕,制作方法极其简便,口感香甜松软。无论是早餐还是下午茶,都是绝佳选择。只需几种基本材料和工具,按照步骤就能轻松完成。制作出来的香蕉蛋糕金黄诱人,内部湿润细腻,香甜无比。即使是烘焙新手,也能轻松掌握。快来观看视频,跟着一起做吧! 2 incredibly easy and delicious banana cakes, with a very simple method and a sweet, fluffy texture. Perfect for breakfast or afternoon tea. You only need a few basic ingredients and tools to easily make them by following the steps. The finished banana cakes are golden...
班兰糯米糕食谱 零失败制作方法 | Pandan Kuih Seri Muka Recipe
Просмотров 19 тыс.Месяц назад
一步一步教你做班兰糯米糕,一款非常受欢迎的娘惹糕点。零失败制作做法,天然的班兰香与糯米的结合,咸香Q弹的味道真的好好吃。 Here’s a step-by-step recipe guide on how to making Pandan Kuih Seri Muka (Pandan Glutinous Rice Cake), a very popular Nyonya dessert. This zero failure recipe combines the natural fragrance of pandan with the chewy texture of glutinous rice. The salty and savory taste is truly delicious. Ingredients 材料: ▶️ Glutinous Rice Layer 糯米层 30...
古早味潮州红桃粿 完整食谱和做法 | 放隔夜也不变硬 | Traditional Teochew Peach Kueh Recipe | How to Make
Просмотров 8 тыс.Месяц назад
今天来分享一道传统潮州红桃粿的简单做法,软糯香甜,充满童年的回忆!即使隔夜也不会变硬。附上特别的芋头花生馅食谱和潮州红桃粿的制作方法。 A simple Recipe on how to make traditional Peach shaped Dumplings, Teochew Png Kueh. It is soft, chewy, fragrant and bringing back childhood taste memories! They won't harden even if left overnight. Included are the recipes for the special taro peanut filling and the method for making Teochew Peach Kueh. 材料 Ingredients: ▶️ 馅料 F...
3种材料做蒸发糕 | 超简单发糕食谱 | 3 Ingredients Steamed Huat Kueh Recipe
Просмотров 11 тыс.Месяц назад
用100号汽水制作的红糖汽水发糕。这个简单的蒸发糕食谱只有3种材,制作起来非常轻松,适合用于祭祀神灵或祖先。初一和十五都可以做这种发糕,百分之百成功! Brown sugar soda huat kueh made with 100 plus soda drink. This straightforward steamed huat kueh recipe comprises just three ingredients. It's incredibly easy to prepare and is ideal for honoring deities or ancestors. You can make this cake on both the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar Year with a guaranteed 100% suc...
沙葛菜粿食谱 | 外皮光滑 内馅带汁超好吃 | Chai Kueh Recipe | How to Make Vegetable Dumplings
Просмотров 11 тыс.Месяц назад
菜粿完整制作教程,附小技巧!美味的古早味糕点 菜粿的制作过程。详细演示每一步骤,并分享小窍门,让您轻松掌握制作方法。菜粿馅料带汁,即使隔夜也不会变硬。制作简单,只需基本厨具和食材。快来跟着我们做出口感鲜美的菜粿吧! Complete Process of Making Chai Kueh with Tips! The delightful recipe of making traditional Chai Kueh. We'll demonstrate each step in detail and share tips to help you easily master the recipe. Our Chai Kueh filling stays juicy, even overnight without hardening. The process is simple, req...
传统鸡蛋糕食谱 | 只需6种材料 | Traditional Chinese Cupcakes Recipe
Просмотров 3 тыс.2 месяца назад
传统鸡蛋糕,只需6种材料就可以做了,简单又容易做,绵软的口感,小时候的味道! Traditional Chinese cake, made with only 6 ingredients, is simple and easy to make, with a soft texture, the taste of childhood! 【Ingredients材料】 4 Eggs (Medium size) 鸡蛋 (中) 80g Caster sugar 细砂糖 120g Plain flour 普通面粉 2g Salt 盐 50g Cooking oil 食用油 50ml Milk 牛奶 Cupcake size 纸杯蛋糕尺寸 3cm (height高), 5.5cm (top diameter上层直径) Portions: 12pcs 份量:12个 (Bonus Recipe) 凤...
花生红龟糕 | 隔夜不变硬 | 经典古早味红龟粿食谱 | Peanut AngKu Kuih | Kueh Ang Ku Peanut Recipe | How to Make Ang Ku Kuih
Просмотров 12 тыс.2 месяца назад
经典古早味花生红龟糕来咯,这食谱隔夜皮还是软软的。香香的花生香味,吃了口齿留香 吃的大人小朋友都赞不绝口。 This classic traditional Peanut AngKu Kuih recipe yields a soft texture even after left overnight. With its fragrant peanut flavor, both adults and children can't stop loving its deliciousness after tasting it. 【Ingredients材料】 ➡️ Skin 皮料 100g Potato 马铃薯 15g Caster sugar 细砂糖 250g Glutinous rice flour 糯米粉 30g Cooking oil 食用油 A little Red colou...
金瓜西米糕食谱 | 做法简单 软糯Q弹超好吃 | Pumpkin Sago Kuih Recipe
Просмотров 54 тыс.2 месяца назад
金瓜西米糕的简单做法。金瓜和西米的混合,裹上香甜的椰丝馅料。再用香蕉叶包上制成软糯Q弹的美味糕点,超好吃的。 Simple Recipe for Pumpkin Sago Kuih. Mixture of pumpkin and sago, wrap them with fragrant and sweet coconut shreds filling. Then, use banana leaves to wrap and create soft, chewy, and delicious cakes. They are incredibly tasty! ➡️ Filling 馅料 100ml Water 100毫升 清水 2 Pandan leaves 2片 班兰叶 60g Palm sugar 60克 椰糖 40g Brown sugar 40克 红糖 1 tsp Corn ...
番薯椰丝糕食谱 | Sweet Potato Coconut Shreds Kuih Recipe
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.2 месяца назад
Step by step instructions on how to make Sweet Potato Coconut Shreds Kuih. 番薯椰丝糕制作方法。 ➡️Ingredients 材料: 300克 橙色番薯 300g Orange Sweet Potato 120克 细砂 120g Caster sugar 100克 热水 100g Hot water 200克 椰浆 200g Coconut milk 少许盐 Pinch of salt 160克 木薯粉 160g Tapioca flour 50克 椰丝 50g Coconut shreds 少许盐 Pinch of salt (Bonus Recipe) 双色番薯椰汁糕 Sweet Potatoes Coconut Milk Kuihвидео.h...
云石班兰燕菜食谱 | 一次做就成功 漂亮又好吃 | Marble Pandan Agar Agar Recipe
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.2 месяца назад
云石班兰燕菜食谱 | 一次做就成功 漂亮又好吃 | Marble Pandan Agar Agar Recipe
班兰红豆双层糕食谱 | 只需一罐红豆就可以做了 超级好吃 | Pandan Red Bean Kuih Talam Recipe
Просмотров 3,8 тыс.2 месяца назад
班兰红豆双层糕食谱 | 只需一罐红豆就可以做了 超级好吃 | Pandan Red Bean Kuih Talam Recipe
五香芋卷食谱 | 又香又美味 好吃到停不下来 | Fried Taro Rolls Recipe
Просмотров 2 тыс.2 месяца назад
五香芋卷食谱 | 又香又美味 好吃到停不下来 | Fried Taro Rolls Recipe
玉米发糕食谱 | 零失败 搅一搅就能做 | 金玉满堂发糕 | Sweet Corn Huat Kueh Recipe
Просмотров 3,6 тыс.2 месяца назад
玉米发糕食谱 | 零失败 搅一搅就能做 | 金玉满堂发糕 | Sweet Corn Huat Kueh Recipe
香蕉叶糍粑食谱 | 如何用新鲜蕉叶,蒸出软软糯糯的糕点 | Banana Leaf Glutinous Rice Cake Recipe
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.2 месяца назад
香蕉叶糍粑食谱 | 如何用新鲜蕉叶,蒸出软软糯糯的糕点 | Banana Leaf Glutinous Rice Cake Recipe
天然颜色红龟糕食谱 | 超级好吃的娘惹糕点 | Natural Colours Angku Kueh Recipe
Просмотров 3,8 тыс.2 месяца назад
天然颜色红龟糕食谱 | 超级好吃的娘惹糕点 | Natural Colours Angku Kueh Recipe
粉红色棉花发糕食谱 | 100%成功大揭秘 | Pink Cotton Huat Kueh Recipe
Просмотров 7 тыс.3 месяца назад
粉红色棉花发糕食谱 | 100%成功大揭秘 | Pink Cotton Huat Kueh Recipe
古早味椰丝红龟糕食谱 | 放隔夜也不会变硬的秘密 | Traditional Coconut Angku Kueh Recipe
Просмотров 12 тыс.3 месяца назад
古早味椰丝红龟糕食谱 | 放隔夜也不会变硬的秘密 | Traditional Coconut Angku Kueh Recipe
芋丝糕食谱 | 比芋头糕好吃的广式传统点心 | Shredded Taro Cake Recipe
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.3 месяца назад
芋丝糕食谱 | 比芋头糕好吃的广式传统点心 | Shredded Taro Cake Recipe
粉红白糖糕食谱 | 古早的味道 | 口感Q弹好吃! | Pink Chinese Sponge Cake Recipe (Bak Tong Gou)
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.3 месяца назад
粉红白糖糕食谱 | 古早的味道 | 口感Q弹好吃! | Pink Chinese Sponge Cake Recipe (Bak Tong Gou)
古早味传统蒸鸡蛋糕食谱 | 童年的味道 | Traditional Chinese Steamed Cake Recipe
Просмотров 7 тыс.3 месяца назад
古早味传统蒸鸡蛋糕食谱 | 童年的味道 | Traditional Chinese Steamed Cake Recipe
豆腐皮糯米卷食谱 | 咸香糯太好吃了| Glutinous Rice Rolls Recipe
Просмотров 2,5 тыс.3 месяца назад
豆腐皮糯米卷食谱 | 咸香糯太好吃了| Glutinous Rice Rolls Recipe
糯米珍珠丸子食谱 | 做法超简单 好吃到停不下来 | Glutinous Rice Balls Recipe
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.3 месяца назад
糯米珍珠丸子食谱 | 做法超简单 好吃到停不下来 | Glutinous Rice Balls Recipe
龟苓膏食谱 | 只需3种材料 保证成功!| Gui Ling Gao Recipe
Просмотров 8 тыс.3 месяца назад
龟苓膏食谱 | 只需3种材料 保证成功!| Gui Ling Gao Recipe
海底捞豆花食谱 | 简单零失败做法 | Haidilao Toufu Fah Recipe
Просмотров 20 тыс.3 месяца назад
海底捞豆花食谱 | 简单零失败做法 | Haidilao Toufu Fah Recipe


  • @leejoonjen7254
    @leejoonjen7254 9 дней назад


  • @lohmeefa5035
    @lohmeefa5035 10 дней назад


  • @JennySaw-wd4lm
    @JennySaw-wd4lm 11 дней назад


  • @chongliannee5323
    @chongliannee5323 12 дней назад


  • @SiewchinLo-ho3pm
    @SiewchinLo-ho3pm 12 дней назад

  • @beeleeong7421
    @beeleeong7421 13 дней назад

    请问milk 可以用fresh milk 吗?谢谢你😊

  • @liantan2587
    @liantan2587 13 дней назад


    • @TravelFoodTech
      @TravelFoodTech 12 дней назад


  • @LumSweetChing
    @LumSweetChing 13 дней назад

  • @leongchunrui6823
    @leongchunrui6823 18 дней назад


  • @user-rx9dw2tr9z
    @user-rx9dw2tr9z 20 дней назад


  • @siewlangyu3906
    @siewlangyu3906 20 дней назад


  • @zhuzhuchen3941
    @zhuzhuchen3941 22 дня назад

    Why no show inside

  • @user-rt2wt2uv1u
    @user-rt2wt2uv1u 22 дня назад


  • @chongamy5359
    @chongamy5359 23 дня назад


  • @s1m0nbeckahm23
    @s1m0nbeckahm23 23 дня назад


  • @zainausman5877
    @zainausman5877 23 дня назад

    glutinos rice Flour you used??

  • @zainausman5877
    @zainausman5877 24 дня назад

    which rice Flour used

  • @tansiewkhim8360
    @tansiewkhim8360 25 дней назад

    Hi, do u use packet or fresh coconut milk

    • @TravelFoodTech
      @TravelFoodTech 23 дня назад

      Both can. For convenience, i use packet

  • @leelansia9457
    @leelansia9457 27 дней назад

    谢谢老师无私的分享🙏👍没试过 会去尝试😊

  • @angelynchan5581
    @angelynchan5581 28 дней назад

    Sorry can I check at what temperature for 70mins, please? With thanks

  • @chew5683
    @chew5683 28 дней назад


  • @xiangyun2717
    @xiangyun2717 28 дней назад


  • @mimihello4410
    @mimihello4410 Месяц назад


  • @sarimu8761
    @sarimu8761 Месяц назад


  • @MandarinMY
    @MandarinMY Месяц назад

    Yum yum❤

  • @SiewFongChai
    @SiewFongChai Месяц назад


    • @TravelFoodTech
      @TravelFoodTech Месяц назад

      不会 刚刚好 如果太甜可以自行调整甜度哦

  • @rachelsamuel9672
    @rachelsamuel9672 Месяц назад


  • @weixiongwu4423
    @weixiongwu4423 Месяц назад


    • @TravelFoodTech
      @TravelFoodTech Месяц назад

      不會 如果怕太甜可以少放些没问题的

  • @xueqilibero6339
    @xueqilibero6339 Месяц назад


    • @TravelFoodTech
      @TravelFoodTech Месяц назад

      是嗎 有什么更好的做法可以分享哦

  • @chanjoanne8181
    @chanjoanne8181 Месяц назад


  • @linhthach9400
    @linhthach9400 Месяц назад

    Thank you for the sharing 👍👍👍

  • @user-ez4kd3bv5j
    @user-ez4kd3bv5j Месяц назад


  • @taykimngah6358
    @taykimngah6358 Месяц назад

    Can the steamed cakes stay outside the refrigerator and for how long?

  • @xiangyun2717
    @xiangyun2717 Месяц назад


    • @TravelFoodTech
      @TravelFoodTech Месяц назад

      可以不放 可是就没那么香了

  • @siewmeilim2093
    @siewmeilim2093 Месяц назад


  • @cindytan7877
    @cindytan7877 Месяц назад

    Hello Thanks for sharing your recipe Stim Chee fun Yummy yummy 😊😊👍

  • @ailianchin1368
    @ailianchin1368 Месяц назад


    • @TravelFoodTech
      @TravelFoodTech Месяц назад

      Kuih seri muka 的食谱中少放椰浆是可以的,但这会影响口感和味道。椰浆是这个马来传统甜点的主要成分之一,给予它独特的香味和滑嫩的口感。如果想减少椰浆的用量,可以适当增加其他液体成分,比如水或牛奶,但最终的味道可能会有所不同哦

  • @ashleydream393
    @ashleydream393 Месяц назад

    Why can not mix cincau when it's hot?🤔

  • @ngeahboonchua743
    @ngeahboonchua743 Месяц назад


    • @TravelFoodTech
      @TravelFoodTech Месяц назад

      制作蛋挞时蛋挞塌陷的原因可能有以下几点: 1. 蛋液比例不当:蛋液中的蛋黄和蛋白比例不合适会影响蛋挞的结构。蛋黄有凝固作用,而蛋白会增加蛋液的膨胀力。如果蛋白过多,蛋挞在烤制过程中膨胀过度,冷却后容易塌陷。 2. 搅拌过度:搅拌蛋液时,如果搅拌过度,会使蛋液中混入过多的空气,导致蛋挞在烤制时膨胀过大,冷却后塌陷。 3. 烤制温度不当:烤箱温度过高或过低都会影响蛋挞的烤制效果。温度过高时,蛋挞表面迅速结皮,内部膨胀受阻,冷却后容易塌陷。温度过低时,蛋液不能充分凝固,也会导致塌陷。 4. 烤制时间不足:烤制时间不足会导致蛋液未完全凝固,在冷却过程中蛋挞会塌陷。 5. 冷却方式:烤好的蛋挞需要在室温下逐渐冷却,如果立即放入冰箱,温差过大会导致蛋挞塌陷。 为了避免蛋挞塌陷,可以注意以下几点: • 确保蛋液比例正确,适当增加蛋黄的比例。 • 搅拌蛋液时动作要轻柔,避免引入过多空气。 • 控制好烤箱温度和烤制时间,通常以180度烤制20-30分钟为宜。 • 烤制完成后,让蛋挞在室温下自然冷却。 通过这些方法,可以有效避免蛋挞塌陷的问题。

  • @Kraliezec
    @Kraliezec Месяц назад

    The box has really shrunk over the years.

  • @janniferolivia6215
    @janniferolivia6215 Месяц назад


  • @user-jg6wj9he4i
    @user-jg6wj9he4i Месяц назад


  • @chew5683
    @chew5683 Месяц назад


  • @chew5683
    @chew5683 Месяц назад


  • @tinalu8904
    @tinalu8904 Месяц назад


  • @xiangyun2717
    @xiangyun2717 Месяц назад


  • @Paijemmaemunah
    @Paijemmaemunah Месяц назад

    Why did tou boil the dough?

  • @lolololollololol1686
    @lolololollololol1686 Месяц назад

    Fatt Kee seafood is strongly recommended . At the same time please try to eat seafood at the Hilltop Restaurant which is also walking distance to the Fatt kee Restaurant. Their prices are very reasonable and the taste is really good compared to Welcome Restaurant . FYI too the Welcome Restaurant is no longer cheap like before. They are too commercialised and mainly targeted the tourists business 😂. Don't believe me then try n compare the 2 restaurants. I sincerely think that you would agree with me later. 😂 If you want to eat at Malay/Philippine kind of cooking for seafood then please eat at Anjung Senja. The prices are so much cheaper n good compared to Todak Waterfront. But if you still insist on going to eat at the Todak Waterfront then please try Nadirasa stall. Their style of cooking is still one of the best 😂. Not forgetting that the laksa at Yee Fung is actually Sarawak Laksa. Taste is reasonably good and good environment for morning breakfast. Happy holidays and happy eating

  • @popeyepu8881
    @popeyepu8881 Месяц назад


  • @misswong8182
    @misswong8182 Месяц назад
